Tooth Extractions – Orem, UT
When a Tooth Is Beyond Saving

Dr. Dansie comes to our Orem dental office about once or twice a month to perform any tooth extractions that our patients might need. This procedure should be viewed as a last resort; we will always explore whatever options are available for saving your natural teeth, but in some situations, a tooth extraction in Orem may be the only choice for making sure that existing dental issues don’t grow any worse. If you have any reason to think that one of your teeth might need to be removed, don’t waste any time; give Frandsen Dental of Orem a call immediately to schedule an appointment with our team.
Why Choose Frandsen Dental of Orem for Tooth Extractions?
- Extractions Performed by a Knowledgeable Dental Expert
- Dental Implants and Other Tooth-Replacement Options
- State-of-the-Art Treatment Planning Technology
Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

The decision to remove a tooth is never one to be made lightly. After all, in many cases, it may be possible to save the tooth in question with the right restorative treatment. We will always consider the specifics of your situation very carefully, and we will only recommend a tooth extraction if other solutions have already been ruled out.
You may need a tooth extraction performed if any of the following apply to you:
- You have severe tooth decay that is threatening to affect your other teeth.
- Your tooth has been badly damaged in an accident.
- You are unable to have orthodontic treatment performed because your teeth are crowded too closely together.
- You are planning to get dentures but some of the teeth being replaced are still in your mouth.
- You have suffered from extensive bone loss in the jaw due to gum disease (which can cause your teeth to come loose).
The Process of Removing a Tooth

There are two ways Dr. Dansie can remove your tooth. The first is with a simple extraction, which involves him gently rocking the tooth loose until it’s ready to be removed. The second is a surgical extraction, which is used when the tooth that needs to be extracted is trapped underneath the gumline. In this case, a small incision needs to be made first so that he can access the tooth. The good news is that even though these two approaches are quite different, they start with the same step: numbing your mouth thoroughly.
Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Most patients take a day or two off of work following their appointment so that they can focus solely on resting. During this time, it’s important that you:
- Avoid strenuous physical activities, like running or lifting weights
- Don’t smoke, spit, or drink through a straw
- Take OTC pain medication as directed
- Stick to soft foods, like plain yogurt and applesauce
- Drink water to stay hydrated
- Keep your head elevated while you sleep
- Change the gauze as needed