Do You Really Need a Root Canal If You’re Not in Pain? Read on to Find Out!

January 15, 2025

Patient and dentist smiling at each other during exam

If you aren’t experiencing any abnormal symptoms, like pain when biting down or chronic dental sensitivity, you might assume that your teeth are decay and infection-free… only for your dentist to inform you that you need a root canal. Is that true? Do you need a root canal even if you aren’t experiencing any discomfort? Read on to find out!

So, Do You Need a Root Canal If Your Tooth Doesn’t Hurt?

Possibly, yes! While significant dental damage is often accompanied by pain, that’s actually just one of the many symptoms your dentist considers. During their exam, they also look for other warning signs of trouble, including a pimple-like bump on your gums, dark discoloration on your tooth, or considerable inflammation. When they are done, they will share their findings as well as their treatment recommendations. If they let you know that a root canal is needed, you can trust that’s the case, even if the situation doesn’t seem urgent.

What If My Toothache Went Away?

Another common question is: what if my toothache went away? Does that mean I no longer need a root canal? Since your teeth cannot heal on their own, the answer is “no.” If anything, this is a sign that you need to visit your dentist ASAP because this usually is the result of the infection progressing, “killing” the nerve of your tooth in the process. So, don’t cancel your appointment or postpone scheduling one any longer; get an emergency exam on the calendar right away.

Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Get a Root Canal

As mentioned above, it’s possible for the infection to progress to the point where it “kills” the nerve of your tooth. The next step is spreading to the surrounding teeth and gums, negatively impacting your oral health even further. That’s why it’s so important that you don’t take the “wait and see” approach. Instead, schedule an appointment with your dentist to discuss your treatment options. While a root canal may seem scary, it’s actually good news because the procedure is virtually painless, it can effectively eliminate the infection, and it means your tooth can be saved!

About the Practice

Our team at Frandsen Dental of Orem knows just how feared root canals are, which is why we go the extra mile to make the entire treatment process as comfortable and convenient as possible for our patients. In addition to using state-of-the-art digital imaging, we are available five days a week, we welcome multiple financial solutions, and we provide lifelike dental crowns to ensure no unwanted attention is drawn to your smile moving forward. If you have a question for us about your treatment plan or you need to schedule an emergency appointment, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call (801) 224-7900.